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Here are some more great tips to help you succeed with single women:

YOU CAN NOT LEARN MERELY BY READING, YOU MUST GO OUT AND PRACTICE THIS: If you see a single woman on the street, looking in the window of a store, waiting for a bus, sitting on a train, in the next aisle of a movie, shopping in a department store, and for any reason this woman appeals to you, strike up a conversation, start talking to her about anything that comes to mind.

MAKE YOURSELF SENSITIVE TO HER NEEDS: Try to feel and understand just what makes her "tick." Try, occasionally, to put yourself in her shoes mentally and empathize with her attitudes and view of life. As you sense unfulfilled needs on her part, really try to satisfy them. Does she want tenderness? Companionship? Boldness? does she urgently want to get married and will an early subtle indication of serious intentions create the best impression?

WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A GOOD LISTENER: A good listener is not really passive. You have to give your fullest, most intense attention to her: physically, mentally, emotionally; by your facial expressions, posture, your voice and comments. You have to like her and be genuinely interested. Be sensitive enough to discover that every human being has beautiful, lovable inner qualities if you seek for them. Encourage and stimulate the continued flow of her conversation by asking questions, making comments, and expressing interest and appreciation for what she is saying. Be ready, too, to contribute your own feelings, experiences, and knowledge as it bears upon what she is expressing.

LIFE IS FOR NOW! Regardless of the frustrations, failures and grief you may have experienced in the past, there is no reason to permit yourself to be chained to the past, or for that matter, to be so concerned with dreams about the future that the present passes you by. Life is here, now, this live, to see and feel intensely, to enjoy, to make new starts, new beginnings, build a new life. You can begin actions this very moment which will begin to change you for the better, make you more attractive to, and successful with, the opposite sex. Act, within and without, with friendliness, confidence, and intense interest in others. Like people, even while remaining very open-eyed about their failings and shortcomings. Feel this affection for people inside you and act upon it and you will begin to change internally and externally in a direction which is infinitely more attractive and charming to single women.

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